Rebecca Wilson


tiny sparrow

oh tiny sparrow,
i was so afraid
my hands wouldn't know how to hold you
fears of you flying away
or me taking away the light
fears of clasping too tightly.
in awe i held you close to my heart
soft feathers and colors hidden to the far away eye.
oh tiny sparrow,
i was so afraid
of knowing that i had to open my fingers
and let you have your way.
oh tiny sparrow..
words and songs weren't enough.
but i said i'd never use a cage.
oh tiny sparrow... i miss you.


the return of blue monday

i saw sad sunday storms
smashing a beat grinding deep.
when the wires opened up tho
and the amazing source of desire
rested at my fingertips,
calm and lucid lights of parrots call and tin can piss

the wires are down
everlasting breakers gone up in flames
i never expected
mondays to be anything but lavendar.
they went blue on me again.
wrists and dangling elbows?.....
no, only time and space and ....
return of blue monday
and fading to black

Rebecca Wilson
     hhmmm, having been put in the position of "trying" to be clever with the content of this bio, i find myself at a loss. i'm better at the impromptu i believe. anyway, i write "poetry" which my family and friends patronizingly say is fine. however, the professor at our local college, (Bucks County, Pa. Poet Laureate for several years) seemed to have quite a different and less complimentary opinion. (smile).. i write for therapy which is more than any person should expect. it seems to be safer than medication and a lot less expensive.
     i'm not an artist, a photographer, a musician, or a math teacher. i do APPRECIATE art, film, music and i like math. (smile).. i travel the highway and i have 13 earrings in my left ear. that's all i can think of that's "clever".

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