cheryl 'cat' townsend



Time travels outside my window. But in here, it just takes a nap. Your phone call never came after the night I didn't either. We can go on this way, but it's not even worth ignoring.

I'm tired of reaching out and touching only my own bad breath. I never promised you this, but I had to lie to you somehow.

I suppose you think I'm talking in puzzles and I've eaten a few of the pieces, but how can we measure indifference when I refuse to turn on the light



an open mic at the
Purple Fiddle in Thomas
West Virginia
I am here on vacation
I caught an all grrrl group
the night I got in
Wild women with
wild songs and an
accumulated age
or 257 for the 5
I ate lunch there yesterday
and talked with the
workers about the
impending event
They said it varies
That they even had
Death Metal
I am wondering
how they will react
to poetry
To MY poetry
No fiddle No uke
No banjo on my knee
Just me and some words
I wonder how they
will react
I wonder if I even
really have the balls
to find out

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lights out


Cheryl 'cat' Townsend

under moons
Under Moons

Pointless Music (2000)
A CD of poetry by Cheryl Townsend with music by Pointless Orchestra.
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melt in your mouth
[real audio only]

• click here for order info •

     Cheryl A Townsend used to publish she just collects the poetry and answers disgruntled mail from the senders. Ahh. She runs cat's Impetuous Books in Kent, OH...where she also pretends to be doing business. She does a lot of photography and thinks that's where all her poetic vision went. She is probably fatter than the last time you saw her.

New journal
(both e-version & print) w/interview/poems & photography
• book review with basinki - Landing On My Feet

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