sara T punk


!the BIGGUN hates YOU!


Working with office people is so fucking not for me.

The absurd, meaningless politics...
The overpowering synthetic stenches...
The power suits and unmoving hair...
The twice a month meetings at which only socialization is accomplished...

I can't deal with that type of shit. I hate people far too much to put on a fake smile and play the game.

So when my old protective supervisor was kicked in the teeth and a brainless fatty with an intense desire to suck the administrative cock was put in charge, I ended up jobless.

But that's ok because I was going to quit anyway... and I got to tell the bosses that they're a retard parade.

They didn't realize that I wasn't going to beg them to reconsider. They weren't aware that I'm a lame-ass 21 year old virgin living at home with mom possessing very few bills and absolutely no goals or ambition. They also didn't know that when I left, so would Kristal.

They're the one's that are fucked and that just entertain the holy bejesus out of me. I love that the new supervisor was completely jealous of our friendship with the old supervisor. I love that she agreed to be put on salary and will now be working so much she'll basically be making $4 an hour.

Regardless of the fact that I've the hideousness of seeking another job before I run out of money ahead of me, I haven't been this happy in years.

There's nothing like a bunch of cocksuckers to make one realize what matters.

My little brother
he lives with dad
dad's a fat old drunk
and he rarely bathes

but I love him

my little brother
says that dad

he says

"dad watches
Superman reruns
really late at night"

he says

"the theme song
it wakes him up"

he says

"dad leaves the tv
on tv land
when he goes to bed
the Superman theme
wakes him up
and he watches it
and goes back to sleep"

That doesn't surprise me
he was always
very odd
very, very odd

he sleeps weird
weird times
weird hours
weird patterns
weird places

makes me wonder

is that why
I'm nocturnal?

is that why
I sleep on the couch?

is that shit genetic?




Sara T. Punk was born and raised in a vile little church town in northeastern Oklahoma. ...about 5,000 very oppressive people and 32 churches...'nuff said.

sara T punk

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