he sat night a
fter night in
smoke filled b
ars full of tw
enty something
’s and twenty
nothing’s fill
ed to the rim
with whiskey s
hots and butte
ry nipples he
dared not do m
ore than stare
at hundreds o
f half naked c
oed’s night af
ter night he s
imply watched
and waited for
fate to catch
itself in a l
ie. Another G
od damn Tuesda
y night chock
full of Jack,
Jim, and Rebel
Yell all thre
e whiskey’s of
choice this p
oor fool found
himself drawn
into an alley
way moments aw
ay from receiv
ing a blow job
from a ninete
en year old co
kehead with a
convincing fak
e I.D. and a b
ust that could
make a man ki
ll his own fat
her. He awoke
the next morn
behind a dumps
ter, in the sa
me musky alley
grasping for
memories and s
craping vomit
off of his pan
ts and shoes.
As he stumbled
off to his ca
r he thought t
o himself, “th
ere’s ain’t no
way any man c
ould write a l
ine of fourtee
n characters t
hat could desc
ribe my life”.
It was at tha
t moment that
he remembered
his night befo
re meeting wit
h the Lolita o
f his dreams.
She led him do
wn the block,
into the alley
. He dropped h
is pants, she
began to do wh
at she does so
well, then he
puked on her
head, back, ch
est... some ev
en made it’s w
ay into her mou
th. he remembe
red nothing mo
re after that,
except for th
e fact that...
. “there ain’t
no fourteen c
haracters that
can describe
what its like t
o puke on a ch
ick that’s suc
kin your cock”